Christopher Mollard

User Experience contractor designer researcher developer lead

Christopher Mollard portfolio website

Designing and building a website for a portfolio to showcase my user experience design work and projects

Screenshots of Christopher Mollard website home page mocked up on an iMac, iPad (landscape) and iPhone

Christopher Mollard portfolio website overview


March 2017


Website design


Christopher Mollard

Some background

My last portfolio website was designed and built when I was a student, in a very rushed manner so that I had something that I could show for interviews. As a result, it hadn't been done in a very considered way and came with added costs. I also wanted to use all the skills that I have, which meant engaging end users and writing the code myself - once I had designed it - using agile.

The brief

Design, build and continuously test a new, fully responsive, portfolio website for Christopher Mollard. It should provide a completed overview of employment history, key skills, previous work and projects as well as clearly demonstrating design thinking (in the form of a blog). It should also have no recurring costs, or as few as possible, and be simple to maintain.

The process

To come. The final product can be viewed at and the project, including source code, is available on GitHub.